march 2018


the modern day



1. A Badass. A Trailblazer. A Warrior.
2. A Confident Woman. A Resilient Woman.
A Beautiful Woman.

In celebration of International Women's Day, we wanted to feature our good friend, Shirley, someone whom I consider to be a BOSS lady. She is currently a second-year dental student (D2) at the nation's top dental school and also happens to be one of the brightest people I know (in every sense of the word).

Shirley is passionate about serving her community, promoting oral health, and of course, providing excellent dental care. She is currently a director of a project called HelloDENT, which works closely with a local nursing home to bring awareness about oral healthcare to senior citizens. Through this initiative, she has won two grants totaling over $2000, with which she intends to buy dental educational models and oral hygiene supplies to further advance her mission. As vice president of The Special Care Dentistry Association, she treats patients with special needs and challenges herself to meet the needs of all walks of life. She supports other women dentists as a board member of the American Association of Women Dentists, and bonds with fellow students in the philanthropic-based dental fraternity, Alpha Omega, to link with local dentists and dental organizations. After she graduates, she will dedicate three years of military service as a Captain in the U.S. Air Force. Badass, right? The best part of it all is that she absolutely loves what she's doing and is doing what she loves. Kudos, girl!


Aside from her very impressive resume, Shirley is a true gem. Over the ten plus years that I've known her, she has remained one of the most fearless, shameless, and cheerful people I know. To give you a taste of Shirley, during our photoshoot, she was blasting Moana's How Far I'll Go on repeat as her pump up song. Outside of her busy school schedule, she keeps herself grounded with regular attendance of barre classes, sleepovers, a rediscovered interest in ballroom dancing, and romantic excursions with her boyfriend. With a strong sense of self and an even stronger sense of her life's purpose, Shirley embodies the traits of a modern day woman. At the end of the day, a modern day woman isn't just multi-faceted, courageous, or passionate; she inspires these qualities in the people around her and sprinkles positive energy into the world.

up close and personal

Given that much of Shirley's time is spent in a professional environment, it really made sense for us to dress her up in professional attire. For her outfit, we wanted to keep things clean and polished, but still showcase bits of Shirley's whimsical personality. We instantly fell in love with this dark blue and white striped ruffle skirt, and felt it tied in perfectly with her white asymmetric ruffle top for added interest and continuity of the ruffle detail. Her hair was pulled back into a messy high braided ponytail for a youthful touch and we accessorized with girly, delicate jewelry. A pair of snakeskin heels and a two-tone watch elevates and smartens up the look. Of course, we finished her off with a bold red lip, because nothing screams more bold than a statement lip.


We hope you take the time today and everyday to acknowledge and appreciate the women in your life. Remember, everyone is a BOSS in their own way. Keep doing you, unabashedly, and in time you'll realize the influence you have on the people around you. 

All the best,


february 2018


april 2018